
Friday, May 1, 2009

Alternative Herbal Treatments

Alternative Herbal Treatments
By Christine Brocious

Organic herbal remedies have been around since ancient times? Recently many have re-discovered alternative herbal cures rather than man-made pharmaceuticals. Some would say we need to go back to a more natural way of healing ourselves. Have we actually weakened our bodies natural defense? In most cases what you really need are fast, natural remedies and we do not want the root cause to come back. Alternative herbal treatments have recently become more excepted as more people have found they do really work.

Prevention is very important and often overlooked by most of us.  You could almost say the alternative herbal cure is not to get sick in the first place.  Sorry to say that doesn't work for most of us in today's world of confined spaces and travel.   We also know there is a link between diet and illness and then we do not change what we put into our bodies. 

Why do we get sick?

One reason is stress from everyday life.  Today's lifestyles are fast and heavily scheduled.  Most of us today live to work and not work to live and it strains our immune systems.  Our minds do not get the chance to relax and recharge.  One of the best ways is to adopt a more healthy lifestyle that doesn't just include diet.   Exercise of course is key but an active and less stressful life is important.  Before you look for home organic herbal remedies or alternative herbal treatments, look at your stress level.  Perhaps tea instead of coffee, stop smoking or take walks to clear your mind.

The second reason is our eating habits, which goes right in line with the first reason.  Fast food is the most common cause of poor nutrition.  Most of us understand this but we go for the quick fix.  You may purchase pre-packaged foods at the grocery store.  The labels are confusing and rarely read.  Even though you may not buy a burger and fries, lots of the foods we buy at the grocery store can be worse.  The link between diet and illness is real and it is something you can control. 

Stress and Diets can bring on many common personnel illnesses, examples of which are listed below.  These examples are not issues you like discuss with others and they will not go away because you just want them to.  There are alternative herbal treatments for each one of the examples listed below:

  • Panic Attacks

  • Yeast Infections

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

  • Ring Worm

Alternative Herbal Treatments:

There are some common issues that affect both men and women that simple diet changes and organic herbal remedies can solve.  Most of us will spend hard earned money for special creams, pills and lotions that only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

All of these can be treated with alternative herbal treatments. Simple herbal remedies can not only help your discomfort but can also stop it from coming back.  One of the best reasons for alternative herbal treatments is the money you will be saving.  As you keep your treatments simple and use organic products whenever possible you will be helping your body heal itself.  After you have used the organic herbal remedies you will learn how to prevent them from coming back. 

Look at for a list of herbal treatments, healthy eating and exercise programs.

Christine has been a Yoga instructor for 10 years. She also is an amateur gardener and organic activist. Avid rail trail bike rider and lover of nature and natural solutions to common problems. for body care, gardening and exercise information.

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