
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Green Tea in Cancer Prevention

Green Tea in Cancer Prevention
By Amy M Chan

Drinking tea is primordial custom that dates back 5,000 years particularly in India and China. It has been long considered by those cultures as assistance to superior health, researchers at present are studying the tea's possibility for preventing and treating several kinds of cancers. Examiners are particularly concerned in the anti-oxidants known as catechins present in tea. In spite of the favorable studies, there are researches involving people which have been questionable.

The body of people continually generates unstable molecules known as oxidants, also generally called free radicals. To stabilize everything, oxidants take electrons from some molecules and eventually harm cell proteins and hereditary material. This damage may result to cells being more susceptible to cancer. Antioxidants are components that permit the body to forage and grab oxidants. Similar to some antioxidants, catechins in green tea selectively restrain particular enzyme actions that result to cancer. These may also aim and restore DNA irregularities due to oxidants.

All kinds of teas are derived from leaves on one evergreen plant called Camellia sinensis. The entire tea leaves are selected, spun, dried and heated. The extra procedure of letting the leaves to oxidize and ferment, black tea is generated. Probably because it undergone fewer procedures, green tea has greater levels of antioxidants compared to black tea.

Even though tea is taken in several manners and differs in chemical composition, a research revealed soaking either black or green tea for around 5 minutes generates over 80% of catechins. However, instant iced tea contains small amounts of catechins.

In laboratory studies revealed tea catechins to be strong restrainers of cancer development in various ways. They forage oxidants prior to cell damages to happen. It reduces the occurrence and mass of chemically stimulated tumors. It also slows down the development of tumor cells. In research regarding skin, stomach and liver cancer, chemically stimulated tumors were made known to reduce in mass in mice which were nourished with black and green tea. Even tea has been long recognized as antioxidant, study outputs involving people have been opposing. Some epidemiological researches evaluating tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers backs up the claim that taking tea averts cancer to some that do not. The environment, population and diet disparities may explain these contradictions. 2 researches in China, wherein green tea is a staple in diet, end up in encouraging results.

One research engaging more than 18,000 men discovered tea drinkers were around half as possible to build up esophageal and stomach cancer with men who consumed minimal tea, even following the adjustment for smoking and some health and diet aspects. The 2nd research was in Beijing Dental Hospital that discovered taking 3 grams of tea daily or around 2 cups together with the inclusion of tea extract decrease the mass and propagation of leukoplakia, a pre-cancerous oral plaque.

However, there is a research in Netherlands that do not back up these judgments. It studied the connection between tea consumption and the succeeding hazard of breast, lung, colorectal and stomach cancers amongst 58,279 of men and 62,573 of women with ages 55-69. The study included aspects like smoking and general diet. It did not find any connection with cancer prevention and tea consumption.

Amy Chan is has been an organic tea enthusiast since 2005. She actively joins many online communities who discuss the benefits of organic tea consumption. She is also the author of her online blog and frequently updates it with useful tips and advises for anyone interested in organic loose tea.

Amy's Organic Tea

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1 comment:

jatger said...

artikelnya bagus-bagus, lam sukses yaaa